Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tips and Tricks

QweryBuilder contains some very neat features. We try our best to ensure that most functionality is well exposed and intuitive to find; In some cases this is hard to do. Below are a few that we think you will find useful.
  1. Use the Ctrl-D keyboard shortcut to duplicate the current line. If text is selected, the selected text will be duplicated.
  2. Use the Ctrl-T keyboard shortcut to swap the current line with the one above it.
  3. Use the Ctrl-[ and Ctrl-] to navigate to the next statement that is separated by a carriage return. You can use the Shift key at the same time to highlight the statement.
  4. The SQL Editor supports multi-selection. Try it out by holding the Ctrl key while using the mouse to highlight words from different parts of the script.
  5. You can save your results as SQL. Select a result tab and click the Save button. Select SQL from the file type list and give your file a name. The file will contain a CREATE TABLE statement and INSERT statements for all your results.
  6. While in the SQL Editor, put your cursor on a table name then hit the F2 key. A popup containing all of the tables columns will display. You can do the same for procedures to see their parameters.
  7. Hold down the Alt key while highlighting text with your mouse to put the editor in column selection mode.
Comment if you found a handy trick in QweryBuilder that you would like to share. If you're reading this in QweryBuilder and would like to leave a comment, you will have to right click on the title and select Open in New Window.


The Werysoft Team

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